Protein Bioinformatics
Services We Provide
☘ Protein Sequence Statistics
Compute sequence similarity, positional conservation, and relative entropy changes from a given FASTA or MSA.
☘ Evolutionary Coupling Analysis (ECA)
Compute evolutionary potentials, spectrum of the couplings, positionally conserved couplings and blocks from a given FASTA or MSA, and map them to its tertiary structure if provided.
☘ Protein Single Mutation
Compute energy diffence (ΔE=Emut-Ewt) at each single-site mutation from positional conserved and coupling potentials.
☘ Protein Coupled Mutation
Compute the mutagenic effects of coupled mutations from protein multiple aligned sequences.
☘ Protein Design
Protein design in silico driven by the ECA method and the statistical potentials.
☘ Protein Folding
In silico folding a protein from its primary sequence based on statistical potentials.